The Watchman’s Time To Kill: The Right To Vigilante Justice in the Jim Crow South
Kindaka Sanders, The Watchman’s Time To Kill: The Right To Vigilante Justice in the Jim Crow South, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 355 (2022). 

Improving Res Ipsa Loquitur Doctrine in Child Abuse Cases: A Step Toward Racial Justice
Chris Gottlieb, Improving Res Ipsa Loquitur Doctrine in Child Abuse Cases: A Step Toward Racial Justice, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 411 (2022). 

The Human Rights Claim in Climate Justice: An Argument for Reintroducing the Principle of Anti-Discrimination and Strengthening the Anti-Domination Principle When Children Go to Court
Maria Grahn-Farley, The Human Rights Claim in Climate Justice: An Argument for Reintroducing the Principle of Anti-Discrimination and Strengthening the Anti-Domination Principle When Children Go to Court, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 439 (2022). 

Protecting Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Children and Adolescents in Iowa Child Custody Proceedings
Abby Buchanan, Protecting Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Children and Adolescents in Iowa Child Custody Proceedings, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 489 (2022).

Drinking Poison: How Iowa Code 455E.6 Takes Away Iowans’ Right to Protect Their Water
Noah Dwyer, Drinking Poison: How Iowa Code 455E.6 Takes Away Iowans’ Right to Protect Their Water, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 523 (2022). 

Progressive Slavery: Violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act in Court-Ordered Rehabilitation Programs
Madison Tallant, Progressive Slavery: Violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act in Court-Ordered Rehabilitation Programs, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 555 (2022).


Delinquent by Color: Reforming Juvenile Court Intake Officer Discretion to Reduce Disproportionate Minority Contact in Iowa’s Juvenile Courts
Tyler J. Wills, Delinquent by Color: Reforming Juvenile Court Intake Officer Discretion to Reduce Disproportionate Minority Contact in Iowa’s Juvenile Courts, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 589 (2022).