Winter 2020

Quieting the Court: Lessons from The Muslim Ban Case
Avidan Y. Cover, Quieting the Court: Lessons from The Muslim Ban Case, 23 J. Gender, Race & Just. 1 (2020).
Tagged: EducationPrivacy


Principal Interrogator: A Call for Youth-Informed Analysis of Schoolhouse Interrogations
Megan Crane, Principal Interrogator: A Call for Youth Informed Analysis of Schoolhouse Interrogations, 23 J. Gender, Race & Just. 77 (2020).


The Unfinished Mission of Title VII: Black Parity in the American Workforce
Paul W. MollicaThe Unfinished Mission of Title VII: Black Parity in the American Workforce, 23 J. Gender, Race & Just. 139 (2020).


Arbitration or Abrogation: Title VII Sexual Harassment Claims Should Not be Subjected to Arbitration Proceedings
Matthew DeLange, Arbitration or Abrogation: Title VII Sexual Harassment Claims Should Not be Subjected to Arbitration Proceedings, 23 J. Gender, Race & Just. 227 (2020).


The Modern Suffrage Movement: Why Iowa Needs to Grant Felons the Right to Vote
Taylor A. Herr, The Modern Suffrage Movement: Why Iowa Needs to Grant Felons the Right to Vote, 23 J. Gender, Race & Just. 277 (2020).