Spring 2021

Foreword to Volume 24
Tagged: Black Lives Matter

Intro by Black Law Students Association
Tagged: Black Lives Matter

Lying by Omission
Ala Mohamed, Lying by Omission, 24 J. Gender, Race & Just. 3 (2021).
Tagged: Black Lives Matter

One Journey Toward Racial Justice: The Power of Me, the Power of We
Lori A. Young, One Journey Toward Racial Justice: The Power of Me, the Power of We, 24 J. Gender, Race & Just. 5 (2021).
Tagged: Black Lives Matter

The Value of the Black Vote: How Iowa’s Saga of Suppression & Racial Iniquity Rippled From 1868 to 2020
Cierra D. Newman, The Value of the Black Vote: How Iowa’s  Saga of Suppression & Racial Iniquity Rippled From 1868 to 2020, 24 J. Gender, Race & Just. 10 (2021).
Tagged: Black Lives Matter

Young, Gifted, and Black: Why it Matters
Hon. Romonda D. Belcher, Young, Gifted, and Black: Why it Matters, 24 J. Gender, Race & Just. 15 (2021).
Tagged: Black Lives Matter

The History and Accomplishments of the Iowa Minority Impact Statement
Wayne Ford, The History and Accomplishments of the Iowa Minority Impact Statement, 24 J. Gender, Race & Just. 20 (2021).
Tagged: Black Lives Matter

Appendix: State Minority Impact Research
Wayne Ford, Appendix: State Minority Impact Statement Research, 24 J. Gender, Race & Just. 27 (2021).

Conclusion: Towards Racial Justice for Black Iowa 2021
Adrien K. Wing, Conclusion: Towards Racial Justice for Black Iowa 2021, 24 J. Gender, Race & Just. 30 (2021).
Tagged: Black Lives Matter

What Kind of Justice is This? Overbroad Judicial Discretion and Implicit Bias in the American Criminal Justice System
Tagged: EducationJudicial DiscretionImplicit BiasCriminal Justice

Rioting by a Different Name: The Voice of the Unheard in the Age of George Floyd, and the History of the Laws, Policies, and Legislation of Systemic Racism
Tagged: PolicySystemic RacismHistory of Law

True Crime and Danger Narratives: Reflections on Stories of Violence, Race, and (In)justice
Tagged: InjusticeCriminal JusticeTrue Crime

Protecting Intellectually-Disabled Criminal Defendants: Proposing a Federally-Mandated Threshold Procedure to Determine Death Penalty Eligibility
Tagged: EducationCriminal JusticeIQ

Bars Behind Bars: Rap Lyrics, Character Evidence, and State v. Skinner
Tagged: MusicRapEvidence