Thank you for using the SiteNow service to build your new University of Iowa site!

SiteNow is maintained by a dedicated, central team of web professionals on campus. Our team formed to build a simpler content management tool that helps the university's web editors create engaging, effective websites. The latest version of SiteNow offers access to an entire library of visual treatments and layout options that can be edited in an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop interface. 

The service is continuously updated with new features and quality-of-life improvements. If you have any suggestions that could help enhance SiteNow further, please contact us

Weekly demos

Members of the University of Iowa community are all welcome to attend weekly demos of new features presented by the central web team. These demos occur every Thursday at 1pm. Please contact Director of web strategy Michael O'Neill for an Outlook invite. 


SiteNow service site: Information about the SiteNow service

SiteNow service documentation: User manual explaining the core functions of the SiteNow system and Layout Builder tool

SiteNow FAQs


SiteNow news: Monthly updates detailing new features and changes to the service

Web team backlog: An updated list of the web team's current service priorities


Training: Basic SiteNow user training as well as recorded sessions on other web strategy topics

Content tools: Templates to help simplify the web content production process

Example SiteNow sites: Links to sites currently using SiteNow v3

Connect to the web community: Meetings, email lists, and other opportunities to connect with other web professionals on campus

Quick start guide: A brief introduction to SiteNow to help you get started

Tuesday, March 22, 2022