Culture War Politics & the Rise of Religious Exemptions against Reproductive Health Access: Pitting Patients Against Religious Freedom is a Losing Game
Anna Rodriguez, Culture War Politics & the Rise of Religious Exemptions against Reproductive Health Access: Pitting Patients Against Religious Freedom is a Losing Game, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 1 (2022). 

Law’s Gaze
John Felipe Acevedo, Law's Gaze, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 45 (2022). 

Reforming the Federal Criminal System: Lessons from Litigation
Alison Siegler, Judith P. Miller & Erica K. Zunkel, Reforming the Federal Criminal System: Lessons from Litigation, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 99 (2022).

A Right to Counsel for Tenants in Iowa: How to Solve a Growing Access to Justice Problem Exacerbated by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Caroline Pappalardo, A Right to Counsel for Tenants in Iowa: How to Solve a Growing Access to Justice Problem Exacerbated by the COVID-19 Pandemic, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 205 (2022).

Child Labor in Your Closet: Efficacy of Disclosure Legislation and a New Way Forward to Fight Child Labor in Fast Fashion Supply Chains
Madeline A. James, Child Labor in Your Closet: Efficacy of Disclosure Legislation and a New Way Forward to Fight Child Labor in Fast Fashion Supply Chains, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 245 (2022). 

Compassionate Release, COVID-19, and the Dangerous Futility of the First Step Act’s Administrative Exhaustion Requirement
Thomas R. Hutchison, Compassionate Release, COVID-19, and the Dangerous Futility of the First Step Act’s Administrative Exhaustion Requirement, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 279 (2022). 

Beyond Sight: Modernizing the Americans with Disabilities Act and Ensuring Internet Equality for the Visually Impaired
Hassan Ahmad, Beyond Sight: Modernizing the Americans with Disabilities Act and Ensuring Internet Equality for the Visually Impaired, 25 J. Gender, Race & Just. 321 (2022).